300 S Broadway Ste 110A
Urbana Illinois 61801
We offer a wide range of patient services for individuals in need of mental health, substance abuse, and interventional counseling and classes.
10 Hour Risk Education
12 Hour Early Intervention
20/75 Hour Substance Abuse Treatment for DUI
Cognitive Self Change Therapy
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Moral Recognition Training
Anger Management
Relapse Prevention
Family and Relationship
Partner Abuse Intervention
Youth Services:
DUI Evaluations
Investigative Reports
Substance Abuse Assessments
Mental Health Evaluations
Anger management Assessments
Risk Assessments
Anger Management
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Individual Sessions
We understand that life can be very busy and chaotic. We try our best to serve out clients as best we can to fit those schedules. We provide a multitude of classes Monday through Saturday, morning afternoons and evening to accommodate all schedules